Thursday, 21 March 2019
Achieving Your Daily Goals
For me, it has taken 21 years to realise that having some goals each week can make such a difference to your life. Even if it's something so small as just making your bed every day and making sure that your bedroom is tidy before leaving the house each morning. Sometimes I think it can just be the mindset that we are in that can hold us back from achieving our goals. Say you have a busy week ahead and on a sunday night you know you have so many different things to do.. for example ; making lunch for the next day, organising a school / work uniform, showering, painting your nails, tidying your room and say maybe watching the next episode of your favourite tv show.
I know that in my case from my list of "things to achieve that day" I would pick out two from that list... 1. Painting my nails and 2. watching the next episode of my favourite tv show. And I know that I would pick them because they require the least amount of effort... otherwise known as "laziness".
I've had to really disapline myself when it comes to achieviving all of my goals (check out Annie Jafferys 3 success tips video on youtube) her videos have really helped me over the past couple of months.
So now the way I look at it is, if I dont do it now it will only stress me out and in reailty cause more problems. One of the easiest ways I have managed to organise my to do list is by numbering each goal on a scale on 1-10, 10 being the "I really need to get this done today" and 1 being the "this really isn't that important and can wait until later". So going back to my list from eariler this is how I would list them.
. Oraganise Lunch For Tomorrow - 10
. Sort Out Clothes For Work Tomorrow - 10
. Tidying Room - 8
. Painting My nails - 4
. Watching The Next Episode Of My Favourite Tv Show - 2
So now we have an orgainsed "to do list" for the day. The next step is not procastanating. The way I do this is because in my head I know how satisfied and how clear my mind will feel once I have ticked off all of these goals for the day. Whereas if I procastanate I know that I will feel horrible, unmotivated and un-organsied.. which in reailty sets me up to have a bad day the next day.
My main tip is to take control of your goals and your life. Set yourself realistic goals that won't stress you out too much and number them from 1-10 and you'll start to see slight change and you will feel so much better when you realsie you can stick to your goals and achieve them everyday.. even if it is
just that you make your bed every morning, that means that every day even if you've had a bad day you will come home to a nice made bed to jump into :) ... A quote I like to go by these days.. " The man who says he cannot and the man who says he can are usually both right" :) I hope this helps someone even just a little bit!! Whats your tips for achieving your daily goals.. :)
I hope everyone is having a lovely day Xx
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